ALFA Upgrades uses a novel technology to increase the deformability of buried pipelines and accommodate larger displacements caused by ground movements. Our Geobuffer product modifies the boundary conditions of underground pipelines in such a way that when the ground moves, the pipe deforms in predefined pattern which prevents strain concentrations and absorbs maximum displacements. In this method, pipe movement is triggered only by the ground displacement forces and not by any operational loads. The system includes two primary elements installed adjacent to the pipes in the trench before backfilling.
Proper installation of these elements can improve deformability of both continuous pipelines (usually used for oil and gas products) or segmented pipelines (usually used for water) under any combinations of longitudinal, lateral and vertical displacement caused by ground movements. The size, arrangement and configuration of the installation are designed based on the soil and pipe properties, and the type/magnitude of expected displacements. All locations of pipelines route with any type of potential ground movements can be identified with geo-hazard risk assessment studies, satellite imaging or data gathered from previously installed strain gauges or fiber optic cables.
Global Earthquake Hazard Distribution
This technology is applicable for pipelines crossing areas with different types of ground movements including active faults (strike slip, normal and reverse faults) and unstable soils (slope creep, slope failure or finite landslide).
It can improve safety and reliability of all underground pipelines carrying liquid or gas hydrocarbon products (crude oil or natural gas) and by-products (CO2) as well as water main pipelines. Transmission and distribution lines in areas with high demographic or environmental sensitivities can benefit the most from this technology.
The system is effective under all types of ground movement (any combination of longitudinal, lateral and vertical pipe displacement). This capability makes it effective in various fault or slope crossings regardless of the pipe’s crossing angle with respect to the direction of ground movement.
This technology maximizes the utilization of pipes natural deformability through boundary condition modification, therefore any new or existing pipelines can be upgraded to sustain a certain magnitude of different ground movement patterns and magnitudes.
Installation process and flexible design guarantees the optimum performance that enables the pipe to endure several feet of applied displacements and prevents strain concentration and subsequent catastrophic failures such as buckling, yielding, rupture and weld failure.
There's much more about the performance and advantages this new technology can offer. Find out more...